General Objectives By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:-
1. Identify values and principles of Islam
2. Explain the teachings of the prophet (pbuh)
3. State and discuss the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam
4. Define his/her role and responsibility effectively as Allah's vicegerent on earth
5. Describe the wonders of Allah's creation and explain his/her responsibility in managing the environment
6. Discuss the importance of work as a form of Ibadah
7. Acquire relevant skills and values to cope with issues and challenges
8. Identify ways in which to foster harmonious co-existence with other people through tolerance
9. Explain ways of promoting international consciousness through an understanding of the universality of Allah and equality of mankind
10. Explain the role of Islamic history in the development of human culture and civilization
11. Discuss the works and contributions of Muslim scholars and reformers.
The syllabus consists of 8 main areas of study, namely:
• Qur'an
• Hadith
• Devotional Acts
• Pillars of Iman (faith)
• Akhlaq (morals)
• Muamalat (relationship)
• History of Islam
• Muslim scholars
1.0.0 Qur'an
1.1.0 Specific Objectives By the end of the course the learner should be able to:
(a) State the meaning of the Qur'an
(b) Discuss the need for revelation of the Qur'an
(c) Explain the importance of the Qur'an
(d) Describe the role played by angel Jibril in the revelation of the Qur'an
(e) Explain the reasons for revelations of the Qur'an in portions
(f) State the teachings of given surah
(g) Define the term 'Wahyi'
(h) Explain the modes of wahyi
(i) Explain the modes of revelation of the Qur'an
(j) Outline the process of compilation of the Qur'an
(k) Explain the meaning of selected verses
(1) Explain the lessons derived from the selected verses
(m) Explain the modes of the preservation of the Qur'an
(n) Discuss the circumstances that led to the standardization of the Holy Qur'an
(o) Describe the Qur'an as a Book of guidance
(p) Explain the teachings of the selected surah
(q) Explain the distinctive features of the Qur'an
(r) Describe the conditions and benefits of translating the Qur'an
(s) Explain the Qur'an as the final revelation
(t) Explain the teachings of suratul Hujurat (Q49)
1.2.0 Content 1.2.1
Ulumul Qur'an: Definition and Need for revelation (Q7:2, Q7:203)
1.2.2 Revelation:
(a) Role of angel Jibril (Q16:102-103, Q26:192-199),
(b) Revelation of the Qur'an in portions (Q25:32)
1.2.3 The study of selected surah: Al-Fatiha (Q1), An-Nasir (Q 110), Al-Fil (Q105), Al-Mr (Q103)
1.2.4 Ulumul Qur'an: Wahyi and its modes
1.2.5 Recording and compilation of the Qur'an
1.2.6 Study of selected verses i.e. Ayatul Kursi (Q2:255) and The last verses of Al-Baqarah (Q2:284-286)
1.2.7 Preservation of the Qur'an (Q15:9): The time of the prophet, Caliphs' time and Present time 1.2.8
Standardization of the Qur'an
(a) Circumstances that led to the standardization of the Qur'an during the reign of Caliph Uthman (R.A)
(b) The process of standardization of the Qur'an
(c) Diacriticalization of the Qur'an
1.2.9 Surah An-Nur (Q24):
Meaning of the verses and Teachings of the Surah 1.3.0 Distinctive features of the Qur'an:
Divisions of the Qur'an; Makka and Madina surah
i) Language and style (Q12:2), (Q13:37), (Q41:44), (Q18:1-2), (Q41:42) ii) Miraculous nature of the Qur'an
1.3.1 Tarjamatul Qur'an (Translation of Qur'an): Conditions for translation; Benefits of translation; Problems in translating the Qur'an
1.3.2 Qur'an as the final and perfect revelation
1.3.3 Teachings of suratul Hujurat (Q49)
2.0.0 Hadith
2.1.0 Specific Objectives By the end of the course the learner should be able to:
(a) Define the term 'Hadith'
(b) Explain the evolution of Hadith
(c) Discuss the importance of Hadith
(d) Discuss the importance of observing Hadith
(e) Define the term 'Muhaddith'
(f) Describe the factors that contributed to the growth of Hadith
(g) Describe the general features of Hadith
(h) Identify the types of Hadith
(i) Explain simple classification of Hadith
(j) Identify the main Sunni and Shia collections of Hadith
(k) Describe the role played by the compilers of Hadith
(1) Discuss the lessons of the selected Hadith
(m)Explain the moral values from Hadith
2.2.0 Content
2.2.1 Definition of the term 'Hadith'
2.2.2 The evolution of Hadith:
Through the Prophet's own initiative;
As response to questions from his companions;
As a demand of circumstances;
As an interpretation of the Qur'an.
2.2.3. Forms of Hadith:
Fiil, aqrir and Sifat
2.2.4 Contribution of Hadith to Islamic thought and culture
2.2.5 Ulumul Hadith: Meaning of the term 'Muhaddith'
2.2.6 Growth and development of Hadith
2.2.7 Significance of Hadith (Q3:31-33; Q33:21)
2.2.8 Components of Hadith: Snad and Men
2.2.8 Types of Hadith: Hadith Nabawi, Hadith Qudsi. Difference between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith Nabawi
2.2.10 Classification of Hadith: Tests to determine the authenticity of Hadith; Simple classification of Hadith: Sahih, Hassan and Dhaif.
2.2.11 Sunni and Shia collection of Hadith
(a) Sahihul-Sitta (the six Suni collection of Hadith): Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Daud, Sunan Nasai, Jamii Tirmidhi
(b) Al Kutub al arba (the four Shia collection of Hadith)
• Al Kali (the compendium) of Muhammad Ibn Yaqub al-Kulaini
• Man la yandhurul-Faqih by Abu Jaafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan Ibn Bawayn
• Tandhibu Ahkam by Abu Jaafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan at Tusi
• Al-Istibsar by Abu Jaafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan at Tusi
(c) Three later books of the Shia:
• Biharul Anwar (oceans of light) by Mulla Muhammad Baqir Majlisi
• Al Wafi by Muhammad bin Murtaza
• Wasa-il-ush-Shia by Muhammad bin Hassan al Hur
2.2.12 Study of some selected Hadith; Talabul Ilm (Seeking knowledge), An Niyyah (intention), Tawakkul (Reliance on Allah)
2.2.13 Other collections of Hadith: Al Muwatta, The forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi
2.2.14 Study of some selected Hadith: Work as a form of Ibada, anger, envy and jealousy, care for orphans, disabled and the aged, Care for animals and plants.
3.0.0 Pillars of Iman (Faith)
(a) Explain the meaning of Tawheed
(b) State the attributes of Allah (S.W.T)
(c) Identify the significance of Tawheed
(d) Define the term 'shirk' and its manifestations
(e) Explain the relevance of Tawheed in the life of a Muslim 196
(f) Explain the characteristics of angels
(g) Identify various angels and state their various functions
(h) Explain the need for divine guidance
(i) Identify the revealed scriptures and their prophets
(j) Discuss the uniformity of the content of the revealed scriptures
(k) Explain the role of prophets in facilitating divine guidance
(I) Name the prophets mentioned in the Quran
(m) Describe the characteristics of the prophets
(n) Discuss the finality of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
(o) Name the Ulul-azm prophets
(p) Describe Islamic teachings on death and life after death
(q) Explain the Islamic teachings on A'dl (Divine justice)
(r) State the Islamic teachings on reward and punishment
(s) Discuss various interpretations of the term 'Imam'
(t) Describe the concept of Imamah as a fundamental Shia doctrine
(u) Discuss the appointment of an Imam
(v) Outline the qualities of an Imam
(w) Explain the significance of an Imam
(x) Explain the significance of the belief in Qadar
3.2.0 Content
3.2.1 Tawheed; The meaning of Tawheed (Q:112), Attributes of Allah (S.W.T) and The significance of Tawheed
3.2.2 Shirk and its manifestations;
- Forms of Shirk: Shirk Akbar (Q31:13, 5:72, 16:51) and Shirkul Asghar (Riyaa); Queanic condemnation of shirk (Q31:13)
3.2.3 Belief in angels: Characteristics of angels (Q66:6); Names of angels and their specified duties (Q50:17-18)- Jibril, Mikail, Israfil, Izrail, Atid and Raqib, Munkar and Nakir, Ridhwan and Malik.
3.2.4 Need for Divine guidance (Q2:213)
3.2.5 Revealed scriptures (Q2:136, Q87:18-19)
3.2.6 Characteristics of the prophets (Q6:48, Q14:4)
3.2.7 Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an
3.2.8 Ulul Azm prophets
3.2.9 Finality of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) (Q33:40)
3.2.10 Belief in Qiyama: Death (3:185) and Life after death - Barzakh (Q23:100), Resurrection (Q17:49-52), Judgment (Q3:185), Paradise and Hell (Q98:6-8).
3.2.11 Qufanic concept of Adl (Divine Justice) (Q36::51-54)
3.2.12 Significance of the belief in Qiyama in the life of a Muslim
3.2.13 Different interpretations of the term 'Imam': Ordinary meaning of Imam (i.e. leader of swalat); Shia concept of an Imam
3.2.13 The doctrine of Imamah: Appointment of the Imam, Declaration of Ali bin Abi Talib at Ghadir Khum, Qualities of an Imam, Duties and significance of an Imam
3.2.14 Meaning of Qadar and Qadha
3.2.15 Significance of the belief in Qadar
4.0.0 Devotional Acts
4.1.0 Specific Objectives By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
(1) Explain the meaning of Shahada
(2) Discuss the significance of Shahada in the life of a Muslim
(3) State the meaning of swalat
(4) Describe the significance of swalat
(5) Explain the importance of twahara
(6) Describe the acts of twahara
(7) Mention the different types of swalat
(8) Explain the importance of swalatul Jum'aa
(9) Describe the various ways of performing swalatul musafir
(10) Identify types of prayers for different occasions
(11) Explain the different types of sijda
(12) Define saum and explain its significance
(13) Mention the types of saum
(14) Identify persons exempted from saum
(15) Explain the nullifiers of saum
(16) Explain the meaning of sharia and fiqh
(17) Discuss the sources of sharia and fiqh
(18) Explain the development of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)
(19) Give a brief survey of the life and contributions of the five Imams of fiqh
(20) Distinguish between. Deen and Sharia
(21) Discuss the nature and purpose of sharia
(22) Describe the historical development of sharia
(23) Describe sharia as a divine gift
(24) Identify the categories of legal acts in the Islamic law
(25) Define the term 'zakat'
(26) Explain the types of zakat
(27) Differentiate between zakat and sadaqa
(28) Identify the conditions for zakat payment
(29) List down the items on which zakat is payable
(30) State the recipients of zakat
(31) Outline the nisab for various categories of items
(32) Discuss the differences between zakat and tax
(33) Appreciate the role that zakat plays in promoting integrity
(34) Define Hajj and explain its significance
(35) Explain the conditions for the preparation of Hajj (36) Identify the types of Hajj.
(36) Identify the types of Hajj.
(37) Identify the categories of legal acts in the Islamic law
(38) List the crimes and punishments under the sharia
(39) Explain the rationale of punishment under the Islamic sharia
(40) Differentiate between Islamic sharia and secular law
(41) Differentiate between sin and crime
(42) Explain the functions of the Kadhi
(43) Explain the meaning and conditions for Tawba
4.2.0 Content
4.2.1 Shahada (declaration of creed): Meaning of shahada; Significance of shahada
4.2.2 Swalat (Prayer): Ghusul, Wudhu, Tayyamum
4.2.3 Significance of swaiat (Q4:103)
4.2.4 Types of Swalat: Faradh-ain (Q2:238-239. Q11:114), Faradhul Kifaya, Sunna prayer (Tahiyyatul masjid, Qabliyya and Baadiyya, Taraweh, Dhuha)
4.2.5 Swalatul Jamaa (congregational prayers) and their importance
4.2.6 Prayers on special occasions: Swalatul Musafir, Jam'u Taqdim, Jam'u Taakhir, Qasr
Q4:101, Kusuf wal khusuf (prayers during the eclipses), Swalatul Isfisqa (prayers for rain), Sijdat (prostration) (Q13:15) - Sijdatul Tilawa, Sijdatul Shukr, Sijdatul Sahwy.
4.2.7 Meaning of zakat and sadaqa (Q2:43), (Q2:110; Types of zakat: Zakatul Maal, Zakatul Fitr and Sadaqa
4.2.8 Differences between zakat and sadaqa
4.2.9 Conditions for zakat: Payment and Distribution
4.2.10 Recipients of zakat (Q9:60)
4.2.11 Importance of zakat
4.2.12 Difference between zakat and tax
4.2.13 Zakat and integrity
4.2.14 As-saum (fasting) 4.2.15 The meaning of saum 4.2.16 Significance of saum (Q:2:183)
4.2.17 Types of saum: Fardh, Qadha, Kafara, Sunnah, Nadhir
4.2.18 Persons exempted from saum
4.2.19 Nullifiers of saum
4.2.20 Significance of the Holy month of Ramadhan (Q2:185, Q97)
4.2.21 Hajj (Pilgrimage)
4.2.22 Meaning of Hajj
4.2.23 Significance of Hajj (Q3:96-97, Q22:27-29)
4.2.24 Conditions for the preparation of Hajj
4.2.25 Types of Hajj: Qiran, Ifrad and Tamattu
4.2.26 Performance of Hajj and Umra (Q2:158, Q2:196)
4.2.27 Visit to Medina
4.2.28 Meaning of the terms: Sharia and Fiqh
4.2.29 Sources of sharia: Primary sources (Q16:44, Q53:3-4) (Qur'an and Hadith), Secondary sources (Ijma and Qiyas ) and ljtihad (a process of deducing judgment from the sources of sharia)
4.2.30 Fiqh - Historical development of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) Brief survey of the life of the five Imams of Fiqh: Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafii, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam Jafar As-Sidiq
4.2.31 Nature and purpose of Sharia: Rights of Allah, Rights of self, Rights of other people and Rights of other creatures
4.2.32 Classification of legal acts (Ahkamu-sharia): Fardh and Wajib, Sunnah, Sahih and Batil, Halal and Haram, Makruh, Mubah
4.2.33 Islamic criminal law: Allah as the sole law-giver
4.2.34 Classification of crimes and punishments: Hudud e.g. zinaa, theft (Q24:2, Q5:38), Qisas (Q2:178-179) and Taazir
4.2.35 Relevance of Islamic criminal Law
4.2.36 Islamic sharia and secular laws
4.2.37 The concept of sin and crime
4.2.38 Administration of justice: The Kadhi and Rules of evidence 4.2.39 Concept of Tawba: Meaning of Tawba (Q24:5, Q42:25), Conditions for Tawba and Significance of the concept of Tawba in Islam
5.0.0 Akhlaq
5.1.0 Specific Objectives By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
(a) Explain the basic principles of Islamic morality
(b) Identify the dynamics of Islamic morality
(c) Explain the significance of Islamic morality
(d) Identify ways of commanding good and condemning evil
(e) Identify deeds that lead to piety and righteousness
(f) Identify immoral trends in the society
(g) Explain the rationale for the prohibition of immoral practices
(h) Discuss the effects of these vices to the society
(i) Identify upright Islamic morals
(j) Identify the causes and effects of STDs and HIV/AIDS
(k) Discuss the causes and effects of drug abuse
(I) Explain the importance of environmental conservation
(m) State the Islamic moral values
(n) Identify the positive and precautionary aspects of Islamic morality
(o) Explain the dimensions of Islamic virtues
(p) Explain the significance of preventive and precautionary morality in Islam.
5.2.0 Content
5.2.1 Essential components of Islamic morality
5.2.2 Dimensions of Islamic morality: Maarufat (virtues) and Munkaraat (vices)
5.2.3 Significance of Islamic morality
5.2.4 Amr bil Maaruf wa Nahyi Anil Munkar (commanding good and forbidding evil) Q3:104)
5.2.5 Morality based on 'man (faith) Q103 and Salihat (good deeds) Q103, Q7:32-33 5.2.6 Husnul-Khulq (virtues)
5.2.7 Deeds leading to piety and righteousness (Q2:177) 5.2.8 Self-control (Q29:69)
5.2.9 Sakina (tranquillity) (Q16:106)
5.2.10 Qanaa'a (contentment) 5.2.11 Sabr (Patience) (Q2:153, Q103)
5.2.12 Amana (Trust) (Q4:58, Q2:283) 5.2.13 Sidq (Truthfulness) (Q9:1 19, Q33:35) 5.2.14 Su-ul Khulq (vices)
5.2.15 Intoxicants (Q5:90-91)
5.2.16 Gambling (Q2:219)
5.2.17 Kibr (Pride) (Q31:18)
5.2.18 Drug abuse (Q2:195)
5.2.19 Sexual perversion: Zinaa (Q17:32, Q24:2-3). Prostitution, Homosexuality (Q7:80-84 Incest, Bestiality and Rape
5.2.20 Effects of sexual perversions in society
5.2.21 Positive aspects of morality in Islam: Sadaqa of the tongue, Appreciation and gratitude (shukr), Forgiveness and Justice (Adl) (Q5:8)
5.2.22 Dimensions of Morality in Islam (a) Spiritual observance (e.g. swalat, zakat, etc) and their moral implications (Q2:183, Q29:45) (b) Preventive and precautionary morality:
(i) Prohibitions on certain foods and drinks (Q5:3, Q5:90), Vain talks (Q22:3, 31:19), Abortion (Q6:151, 81:8-9), Slander (Q24:4,24:23)), Israf (Extravagance) (Q25:67)
(c) Islamic manners on walking (Q31:18), eating, sleeping, and Islamic mode of dress (Q7:26), (Q16:81) (Q24:31)
5.2.23 Causes and effects of STD's and HIV/AIDS: causes and effects
5.2.24 Importance of environmental conservation
5.2.25 Retention of Islamic cultural values in the changing society
6.0.0 Muamalat (Relationship)
6.1.0 Specific Objectives
(a) Explain the meaning of Nikah (marriage)
(b) Describe the importance of marriage
(c) State conditions for marriage
(d) Discuss an Islamic marriage festival
(e) Discuss the Islamic view on polygamy
(f) Discuss the rights and duties of family members
(g) Explain Talaq and its effects on the society
(h) Describe the machinery of Talaq Identify the types of Eddat Explain the meaning of the term 'mirath'
(k) Discuss the essentials and conditions of mirath
(I) Discuss the significance of inheritance
(m) Explain the administration of the estate of a deceased Muslim
(n) Describe the importance of wasiya
(o) Identify the main categories of heirs and their shares
(p) Explain the Islamic teachings on the acquisition and ownership of property
(q) Identify legitimate sources of earnings
(r) Explain the significance of upholding ethical values in commercial enterprise
(s) Discuss the components of agreements and contracts in Islam
(t) Identify lawful and unlawful acts in trade
(u) Describe the evil of corruption
(v) Describe Islamic teachings on co-existence with non-Muslims
(w) Explain the position of Islam on the status of women
(x) Explain the Islamic teachings on child care and domestic harmony
(y) Explain the need for peaceful co-existence among people of different nations
6.2.0 Content
6.2.1 The family as an important unit in the society
6.2.2 Nikah (marriage):Purpose of marriage; Conditions and regulations for marriage
6.2.3 Polygamy: Conditions for polygamy (Q4:3); Reasons for polygamy; Marriage of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (names of the wives; the rationale)
6.2.4 Rights and duties of family members: Parents (Q17:23-24, Q31:14-15), Husband, Wife , Children, Extended family members
6.2.5 Meaning of Talaq (Q2:228-229), (Q4:34), (Q65:1-4) 6.2.6 Machinery for Talaq (Q4:35): Types of Talaq i.e Talaq by husband, Khul'u, Mubarat 6.2.7 Effects of Talaq 6.2.8 Types of Eddat and its importance (Q4:34), (Q65:1-4)
6.2.9 Observance of Eddat (Q65:1-7)
6.2.10 Mirath: Meaning of mirath, Significance of the law of mirath and Essentials of Inheritance - deceased person, heir(s) and estate; Conditions for Mirath (inheritance) -death of a person who leaves behind property, survival of heirs, existence of the estate
6.2.11 Administration of the estate (Q4:11): Funeral expenses, Debts, Wasiya
6.2.12 Wasiya (Will) (Q4:11-12), (Q2:180-181): Conditions for wasiya; Significance of wasiya
6.2.13 Heirs and their shares (Q4:11-12, Q4:176)
6.2.14 Wealth and property: Islamic teachings on the acquisition of wealth; Source of earnings (legitimate, illegitimate)
6.2.15 Trades and Commerce: Honesty in trade (Q83:1-3); Record keeping (Q2:283); Lawful and unlawful acts in trade - Money lending, Riba (interest) (Q2:275-278), Hoarding (Q9:34), Buying and selling, Monopoly.
6.2.16 Agreements and contracts: Conditions and factors that invalidate contracts and agreements
6.2.17 Corruption: Causes, effects, remedies
6.2.18 Relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims (Q49:14, 29:46)
6.2.19 Status of women
6.2.20 Child abuse, labour and neglect
6.2.21 Domestic violence
6.2.22 Islamic relations with other religions: Basic principles on Islamic international relations; Misconceptions about Islam — jihad, terrorism and slavery
7.0.0 History of Islam
7.1.0 Specific Objectives By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
(a) Describe the conditions of pre-Islamic Arabia
(b) Narrate the life history of the Prophet (pbuh)
(c) Outline the Prophet's mission in Makka and Madina
(d) Discuss the achievements of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
(e) Give a brief biography of the four rightly guided Caliphs
(f) Discuss the various challenges faced by the Caliphs
(g) Outline their achievements
(h) Explain the spread of Islam in East Africa
(i) Discuss the influence of Islam at the East Coast of Africa
(j) Explain the factors that influenced the spread of Islam in the interior of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
(k) Examine the contributions of Muslims in these regions
(1) Identify the challenges faced by Muslims in these regions
(m) Outline the causes of the rise of Ummayyad dynasty
(n) Discuss administration under the Ummayyad
(o) Explain factors that led to their decline
(p) Examine the contributions of the Ummayyad
(q) Describe the biographies of the selected Ummayad rulers
(r) Discuss the rise and fall of the Abbasid and Fatimid dynasties
(s) Outline the achievements of the Abbasid and Fatimid dynasties
(t) Narrate the biographies of the selected Abbasid rulers
7.2.0 Content
7.2.1 Pre-Islamic Arabia: Jahiliyya; Prevailing conditions in Pre-Islamic Arabia
7.2.2 Life history of Muhammad: Birth; Early life
7.2.3 Prophet's Mission in Makka: Ba'ath (prophethood) and Revelation; Early muslim community and persecution; Muslims seeking asylum in Abyssinia; Isra wal Miraj (night journey and ascension).
7.2.4 Prophet's mission in Madina: Hijra (migration to Madina); Beginning of Muslim ummah, The battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and Khaybar; The Treaty of Hudaibiyya, Conquest of Makka; The battle of Hunain; Hijjatul widaa (The farewell pilgrimage); Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
7.2.4 Achievements of the Prophet (pbuh): Brotherhood and equality of mankind; Elimination of racism; Eradication of slavery; Improvement of the status of women; Religious tolerance.
7.2.5 Early life; Conversion to Islam ; Companionship to the prophet (pbuh); Accession to caliphate; Challenges; Death, Achievements of Abu Bakar As-Siddiq (R.A, Umar Bin Khattab (R.A), Uthman Bin Affan (R.A), and Ali Bin Abi Talib (R.A).
7.2.6 Islam in East Africa
7.2.7 The first Muslim contact with the Coast of East Africa: Conditions of East Africa before contact with Muslim; Muslim city states e.g. Mogadishu, Kilwa and Sofala; The Swahili; Islam during the Portuguese rule in the East Coast of Africa; Modes of Islamisation; Influence of Islam at the Coast.
7.2.8 The rise of the Ummayyad
7.2.12 Administration of the Ummayyad
7.2.13 Decline of the Ummayyad
7.2.14 Achievements of the Ummayad
7.2.15 Selected Ummayad rulers 7.2.16 Mu'awiyah bin Abu Sufyan: Yazid bin Mu'awiya; Abdul Malik bin Marwan; Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
7.2.17 Abbasid Dynasty: Rise; Decline; Achievements.
7.2.18 Selected Abbasid rulers: Abul Abbas; Harun Ar-Rasheed; Ma'mun Ar-Rasheed.
7.2.19 Fatimid Dynasty: Rise; Decline; Achievements.
7.2.20 Spread of Islam in the interior of Kenya: North Eastern; Central ; Western Kenya.
7.2.21 Islam in Uganda: The role of Kabaka Mutesa I; The influence of Christianity in Uganda
7.2.22 Spread of Islam in the interior of Tanzania: Tabora; Ujiji; The role of Akidas and Jumbes.
7.2.23 Contributions of Muslims in East Africa: Political; Social; Economic.
7.2.24 Challenges faced by Muslims in East Africa: 8.0.0 Muslim Scholars
8.1.0 Specific Objectives By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
(a) Describe the early life of Sheikh Al Amin Mazrui and Sheikh Abdallah Swaleh Farsy
c) Explain their contributions to the growth and development of Islam Give a brief biography of Sayyid Qutb and and Hassan al Banna
b)Outline their works and contribution to Islam
d) Give brief biographies of selected scholars
e) Discuss their works and contributions
f) Give a brief biography of selected scholars
g) Outline their works and contributions to Islam
h) Discuss the contributions of Muslim scholars to science
8.2.0 Content
8.2.1 Birth and early life, Educational background, Work and personal life, Achievements and contribution of Sheikh Al-Amin Mazrui and Sheikh Abdallah Swaleh Farsy
8.2.2 Life history and Contributions of Sayyid Qutb, Hassan al Banna, lithrnan Dan Fodio, Al- Gbazali, Ibn Sina and Ibn Sina.
8.2.3 Muslims contribution to Science
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