It enables highly qualified scholars not resident in Germany to spend extended periods of research in Germany and promotes the ensuing academic contacts.
The Humboldt Foundation promotes an active world-wide network of scholars.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly qualified, early-stage researchers from abroad, who hold doctorates, to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany.
Applications may be submitted for long-term research stays of at least 6 and at most 12 months; an extension of up to 24 months is possible.
Researchers of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the AvH directly at any time.
There are no quotas for individual countries and disciplines.
Research fellowships are offered world-wide on a competitive basis.
The most important criteria for selection are the applicant's (international) publications to date and the quality and feasibility of the research proposal.
Applicants choose their own research projects and their own German hosts.
Details of the research project and the time-schedule must be agreed upon with the prospective host in advance.
Applications to continue a research stay which has already begun may be considered in exceptional cases.
Selection committee meetings take place three times a year, in March, July and November.
Completing and reviewing the applications takes roughly three to six months.
Deadline: Scholarship applications accepted throughout the year.
For more fellowship information and application, see: Humboldt Research Fellowships Website
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