This prize created is to awarded for individual or collective action on the ground, irrespective of nationality or borders, undertaken in France or abroad.
Non-governmental organizations, irrespective of nationality or borders, should present a field mission or project undertaken in France or abroad concerning one of two themes.
Theme 1: Poverty, impoverishment and human rights in a financial and economic crisis.
Theme 2: New information and communication technologies (NICT) and human rights.
Five prize winners will share a total award of €75,000 granted by the Prime Minister.
The application form in French must include:
a) an application letter presented and signed by the president or legal representative of the operating NGO;
b) an application stating in detail the aim and description of the work undertaken or project submitted. It must include a precise budget (with an equivalent sum shown preferably in euros);
c) a presentation of the operating NGO (status, work conducted, etc.);
d) address and bank details of the NGO.
For more information and application, see: Human Rights Prize
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