The scholarships are designed to provide an award against the financing of tuition fees for engineering studies at the School of the Built Environment and do not include a contribution for living expenses, travel, books, or other accessory.
Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:
All candidates for the degree programmes can apply for a scholarship, and all awards are valid for one of the programs listed, as offered by the School of the Built Environment:
The scholarships are open to International candidates.
All grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and thus applicants must have or expect to obtain a good degree (First Class 2.1 or equivalent) from a recognized institution of higher learning, or have experience that demonstrates knowledge and skills appropriate to honor University level.
Candidates qualifying for a scholarship partial allocation of funds from other sources may be awarded a “top-up” award.
However, you will receive one or more quotes from other funding sources that contribute to their full control tuition will not be eligible for these awards.
Eligibility will not be affected by funds for maintenance or for tuition beyond the level of grants.
For further details, and application materials, contact: Hodgkinson Postgraduate Scholarship, Oxford Brookes University - UK
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