The program is integrated to create synergy between economic and social investments.
The initiative has a long-term goal of providing equal economic opportunities for the social well being of children, youth and women and to invest in the natural environment in Gwassi Division, in Suba District.
It combines poverty reduction, environmental benefit and profit.
The Purpose of the program is to stimulate economic and social transformation of the people at the household level and beyond (communities at large).
The companies part of the program are for example active in forestry, and in the production of charcoal, honey and biofuel and are run as social businesses.
ICT Department - Internship Opportunity
At GFSI, we acknowledge the need to seek work experience before venturing out on your own. Therefore, we offer internship opportunities for university and college students in the ICT Department.
To be eligible, one has to be a continuing student, preferably in their final year, at the institution they're enrolled in.
We acknowledge that some institutions may require their students to go for attachment immediately after completion of their courses, to expose them to the working environment. In such cases, we do offer internship.
ICT Department
Below are our main functions in which an applicant may be placed within the department.
The intern will be paid a stipend as per company policy.
GFSI offers 3 months attachment period at one given time. This way we get to offer more needy students industrial training.
Application Learning Institutions should write application letters for attachment positions for their continuing students or the students may write and apply directly to the Human Resource Manager.
All applications should be made out to:
Human Resource Manager
Green Forest Social Investment Ltd.
P.O. Box 111 - 40100 Kisumu
Email: hr [at]
Not later than Friday 30th March, 2012 5.00 pm.
This is greatly discouraged and interns are required to clear with their supervisors in the last week of their attachment period.
Extensions can only be allowed where an intern is yet to be assessed by his/her college supervisor/lecturer.
To allow this, HR Manager has to get official communication from the Learning Institution.
Interns are encouraged to communicate and make arrangements with their college lecturers to assess them in good time before the expiry of their attachment period to avoid inconveniences if it would not be possible to get the extension.
For more jobs in Africa, see: Jobs in Africa » Jobs Africa » Careers in Africa
List includes: NGO Jobs, international jobs, development jobs, relief jobs, international humanitarian jobs, international vacancies, international development, ngo jobs africa, ngo list, jobs vacancies, jobs opportunities, opportunity jobs, international non profit jobs.
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