The Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MHESR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), are pleased to announce the 2nd call for the German-Egyptian Long Term Scholarship Program (GERLS) for the academic year.
GERLS Program is provided to candidates who desire to obtaining or completing their PHD in one of the German Universities under the supervision of German Professors.
As an outcome of success achieved during the German-Egyptian Year of Science & Technology, a cooperation agreement has been made between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab Republic of Egypt “MHESR” and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), from funds made available by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to create a program offering up to 100 postgraduate scholarships for Egyptian doctoral candidates.
The target group of this program comprises Egyptian researchers holding M.A. / M.Sc. degrees which should generally not be older than 3 years.
Within the framework of the long-standing cooperation between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Federal Republic of Germany; and in partial fulfillment of the MHESR and DAAD aims and objectives; as well as in consideration of the funding resources and regulations of both parties, the aforementioned parties have agreed to create the “German Egyptian Research Long Term Scholarships” (GERLS).
Each year a group of researchers will be sent to Germany for doctoral scholarships in the scientific fields and priorities agreed upon by DAAD and MEHSR.
The GERLS program will be administered by the DAAD in close cooperation with the MHESR and German universities.
Generally speaking, the scholarships within this program are awarded for 12 months, subject to extension up to 42 months.
Candidates can select adequate structures PhD courses or PhD supervisors in Germany themselves in order to join the GERLS program.
However, dual funding from universities offering such courses and the GERLS program are not permitted.
DAAD Cairo Office and MHESR will support the candidates whenever necessary.
Applicants from the fields of arts, music and architecture form a special case.
Their applications will undergo an additional selection in Germany.
Such additional selection activities in Germany will be implemented according to the procedures of the German Specialized Arts and Music Committee and in competition with candidates from other countries.
The funding of these scholarships, however, is part of the GERLS program.
For more information and application, visit: German Egyptian Research Long-Term Scholarship Website
German Egyptian Research Long-Term Scholarship – Egypt Scholarships & Grants - German Egyptian Research Long-Term Scholarship – Egypt Scholarships & Grants
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