It provides for a specific allocation to support capacity building of non-State actors (NSAs) engaged in promoting women’s civil and political rights and economic and social empowerment, and in countering gender stereotypes in the Mediterranean countries covered by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI).”
In this context, it has announced a call for proposals “to contribute to awareness-raising, promotion and the implementation of the rights recognised notably in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Istanbul Framework for Action.”
The programme aims to “support of the efforts of civil society in countering gender stereotypes, notably in order to combat the root causes of violence against women and foster the participation and the role of women in public life (media, political life, employment, etc.);
The Grant
The projects have to be implemented only in these countries:
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia, and Mauritania. Since this is a Restricted Call for Proposals, only concept notes have to be submitted initially.
PADOR registration is necessary for all applicants.
For More Information and Application, Please Visit; EuropeAid Website
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