Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
Enabel has announced a Call for Proposals to increase employment opportunities and improve livelihoods of vulnerable refugee and host community youth in the refugee hosting districts in Northern Uganda, through enhanced access to quality, demand-driven skills development.
This Call for Proposals for the Skills Development Fund (SDF) is part of the action entitled Enhance livelihood and labour market relevant skills for youth and women of the refugees and host communities through Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship Support.
The action is part of the EU Trust Fund Support to the Refugee Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) programme, and aims to support:
Access to short and medium term vocational training and enhancement of entrepreneurial skills for refugee and host community youth, women and girls, and;
Coordination, alignment, communication and capacity enhancement to allow the BTVET system to increase its absorption capacity to accommodate youth, women and girls from the host and refugee population and/or expand BTVET provision in the refugee hosting districts in Northern Uganda.
Objectives - Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
The specific objectives of this Call for Proposals are:
Strengthened partnerships between training providers and the private sector actors in skills development;
Vulnerable refugee and host community youth acquire quality, labor market relevant skills;
Vulnerable refugee and host community graduates have enhanced access to employment through post-training employment support services.
Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities - Funding Information
The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is 1,227,000 EUR. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all of the available funds
Any grant application under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
Minimum amount: 100,000 EUR
Maximum amount: 500,000 EUR
Target Beneficiaries for Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
This Call for Proposals is specific to Window 1 of the SDF basket for Northern Uganda region, targeting 1,100 vulnerable refugee and host community youth, women and girls to access relevant, quality skills development and employment support.
Geographic Focus - Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
The actions must be implemented in Uganda, Northern Uganda region, in at least one of the following districts: Arua, Madi, Okolo, Terego, Yumbe, Adjumani, and Kiryandongo. The actions may not be implemented in other districts.
Types of Activities - Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
The following activities are eligible:
The acquisition of necessary basic raw materials, tools, teaching aids, and learning materials etcetera, for the implementation of the actions;
Training, awareness-raising, study trips, job shadowing, workshops, studies and/or consultancy activities for the purpose of capacity building;
Community outreach and awareness or sensitization activities aimed at enhancing access and participation of vulnerable youth and women in the Skills Development initiatives (mandatory);
Other activities supporting social inclusion and equitable access.
Development of new or upgrading of existing training programs targeting trades within the priority sectors, to ensure relevance of the training programs for the local labor market and the refugee and host community populations in the region (including collaboration with the Directorate of Industrial Training for accreditation) ;
Provision of support to trainees to participate in the trainings and to private enterprises accommodating trainees in the workplace.
Organizing nationally recognized assessment and certification (DIT) (mandatory);
Provision of personal safety gear
Occupational Health and Safety trainings, equipment and other measures adhering to the national standards (mandatory);
Pre-training career guidance and counseling or coaching activities;
Mentoring and monitoring of trainees during their attachment to private enterprises (mandatory);
Provision of tools for Work-Based Learning;
Capacity enhancement of existing accredited TVET institutions in the targeted region to absorb increased numbers and address specific needs of both the refugee and host community populations AND/OR adaptation of organizational set up to accommodate refugee groups. Maximum 20% of the budget can be allocated to basic, 'light' infrastructure6 works and equipment, provided that a clear justification is given demonstrating its link to the training programs and its relevance to increase access;
Job fairs, networking or matchmaking events or activities aimed at connecting graduates with employers or finance/credit providers;
Provision of start-up kits for graduates of training trajectories supporting self-employment (Maximum 10% of the budget, and to provide a strategy on how the kits will sustainably promote self-employment among beneficiaries.
Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities - Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for grants, the applicant must satisfy the following conditions:
Be a legal entity; and
Be a private not for profit entity or foundation; gold
Be a legal entity of private law for which profit maximization is not the priority objective4, and
Be established or represented in Uganda; and
Be a national or international NGO, Civil Society or Community-Based Organization, Foundation, or a non-profit business development service provider with demonstrated local experience in managing quality skills development initiatives targeting vulnerable youth and women in a humanitarian/refugee settlement context; and
Have demonstrated work experience in thematic areas ie skills development,
Employment promotion, social and economic empowerment of vulnerable youth and women– at least – the past 2 years; and
Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and not be acting as an intermediary; and
Have an active Bank Account for the past 12 months; and
Have in-house financial capacity.
In addition, lead applicants acting as technical and/or vocational skills training provider must operate assessment centers accredited by the Directorate Industrial Training (DIT) for non-formal technical or vocational training
Lead applicants will act with one or two co-applicants in accordance with the requirements below The co-applicant(s) shall participate in the definition and the implementation of the action, and the costs that they incur shall be eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.
Co-applicants must meet the following conditions:
Be a legal entity; and
Be a public entity; gold
Be a private not for profit entity or foundation; gold
Be a legal entity of private law for which profit maximization is not the priority objective5; and
Be established or represented in Uganda; and
Be any of the following types of organization:
Public or private non-profit technical and/or vocational skills training provider
Business Membership Organization/Association
Non-profit Business Development Services (BDS) provider
Non-profit private sector business cooperative or enterprise;
NGO, Civil Society or Community-Based Organization, Foundation; and
Have 3 years demonstrated work experience in participating in quality skills development initiatives.
For more information and application details, see;
Enable Grants in Uganda to Increase Employment Opportunities
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