The aim is to facilitate valuable collaborations with research groups applying techniques unavailable in their own laboratories.
Short-Term Fellowships are not awarded for exchanges between two laboratories within the same country. Short-term Fellowships are intended for joint research work rather than consultations.
All applications should focus on the benefit to the home laboratory and involve movement between countries - one of which must be an EMBC Member State.
(For non-EU applicants, the Short-Term Fellowships are for a fixed duration of 90 days).
The fellowships cover travel plus subsistence of the fellow only and not of any dependents.
Research Fellowships: Eligibility
EMBO does not consider applications for Short-Term Fellowships to prolong visits begun under other auspices, or as bridging fellowships between, or prior to, long term stays funded by EMBO or other organizations.
Applications for fellowships to attend courses, workshops, or symposia will not be considered.
There is no deadline for applications, however applications should ideally be made about three months before the proposed starting date. Applications received after the start of the visit will not be considered.
Research Fellowships: Duration of Support
Short-Term Fellowships are intended for visits of one week up to three months duration. For non-European applicants the Short-Term Fellowships are intended for a fixed duration of 90 days.
Research Fellowships: Travel Costs and Stipend
The fellowships cover travel plus subsistence of the fellow only and not of any dependents. The subsistence rate depends on the country being visited.
There is no deadline for applications.
For further details and application materials, contact: EMBO Short Term Fellowships
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