Funding for this programme is provided by the Federal Government of Germany.
The purpose of the DAFI Programme is to contribute to the self-reliance of refugees by providing them with a professional qualification for future employment.
Scholarships are granted only for studies in the country of asylum.
Preferably, UNHCR would like to see the graduates return home and contribute to the reconstruction of their home country, or to the development of the country of asylum or the refugee community at large.
Are DAFI scholarships available in every country?
DAFI scholarships are provided only in developing countries or countries in transition.
DAFI programmes are mostly available in developing countries with a significant refugee population, mostly in Africa and Asia.
Because of its financial limitations, competition for scholarships is high and only a portion of the qualified candidates can be admitted to the programme.
Therefore, selection criteria have been established which are to be strictly followed.
Who can apply?
In order to be eligible, a candidate should:
Which countries have a current DAFI programme?
In Africa
Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
How do I apply?
If there is a current DAFI programme in your country of asylum and you meet the above-mentioned criteria, you should complete an application form (Application for Educational Assistance) to be submitted to UNHCR directly.
Forms are available at UNHCR offices. All UNHCR offices will receive your application.
UNHCR is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,Case Postale 2500, CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt, Suisse.
Tel: +41 22 739 8111.
For further details, see: DAFI Scholarship Programme Website
More: DAFI Scholarship Programme Website
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