It helps young conservation scientists gain experience, learn new ideas and make contacts that will be valuable for their future careers.
Over the past 8 years, over 1,170 delegates from over 92 countries worldwide have been hosted at the conference.
SCCS will provide financial support for up to 15 students from developing countries and eastern Europe.
Bursaries can be used to cover travel and conference expenses.
This is a scheme that funds SCCS delegates from developing countries and eastern Europe to spend up to one month after the conference with a UK-based conservation NGO or a university department carrying out a project of mutual interest.
Are you eligible?
You must be from a developing country or an eastern European country (and not already based in western Europe or North America).
You must attend the SCCS conference that year.
The internship will cover:
The host organisations are expected to provide: facilities;
Interns are expected to submit a brief report on their project within one month of the end of the internship.
Interns and hosts are also asked to complete a brief feedback form.
How to apply
To apply, applicants need to have an agreed host organisation and an outline of the work they will do during their internship period, submitted by 15 November.
For more information see; Conservation Conference Grants and Internships
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