Its purpose is to give promising writers time to devote to the development of his/her talents. The Fellowship is for six months. The award is £10,000.
Applicants for the Fellowship must be writers of fictional or non-fictional prose in English who have not yet published a book (please note that for the purposes of this Fellowship non-fiction prose includes, for example, biography, memoir and travel writing, but not critical or historical monographs based on academic research).
Shared office space and computer facilities will be made available for the Fellow in the School of Literature and Creative Writing.
During the residential period, The Fellow will be required to submit written work to a nominated mentor and take part in Creative Writing Research Seminars.
No teaching duties attach to the Fellowship.
Can be writers of any age and any nationality. The successful candidate will be selected by a distinguished panel of writers.
There will be no interviews, and candidates will be judged on the quality and promise of their writing and the project they describe, and the strength of their referee's report.
The Fellow will be a member of the School of Literature and Creative Writing and will be required to reside at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.
Deadline for applications January 31.
Further details; charlespickfellowship [at]
For more information and application see: Charles Pick Fellowship Website
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