Fellows of established university departments are invited to submit applications for Airey Neave Trust Research Fellowships on any topic which falls within the definition of helping to protect and/or enhance personal freedom under the rule of democratic law, either national or international.
Applicants should demonstrate how their proposed research relates to the objectives of the Trust; what outputs are expected from their research and how these outputs can be observed or measured.
The publication of a paper or book may comprise such an output. Favourable consideration will be given to publications designed to make a discernible impact and to contribute in a practical way to the struggle against international terrorist activity.
The Airey Neave Trust Research Fellowships enable experienced scholars or researchers to devote their energies to the investigation of a topic judged to be worthy of such attention.
The result will be a report, publication or publications, in the form of an article, series of articles or monograph.
The Research Fellow will be selected to conduct research into the particular subject which has been identified and will be awarded a contract to carry out the work by arrangement with the Fellow's employers - usually a university, college or similar body.
The arrangement may take one of a number of forms.
For instance, the Fellow's existing salary may be covered or contributed to by the Trust and paid to the institution, the Fellow then being granted leave of absence for the duration of the Fellowship; or the institution continues paying the salary to the Fellow and releases him or her from all normal duties, as above, but with an agreed sum (which may be less than the Fellow's actual salary) paid to the institution for replacement staff; or the Fellow, while having responsibility for the research, may continue to be paid by the institution and employ qualified research assistance at the Trust's expense.
If the Fellow continues to be based in the institution, occupying an office or using secretarial and other support services, the salary costs may be supplemented by a contribution to institutional and departmental overheads.
The salary of a Research Fellow will correspond to that for a university lecturer, depending on age, qualifications and experience.
Such a scheme allows the Trust to identify topics in which it is interested and to promote high-level studies leading to publications, under the Trust's name, which otherwise would not have appeared or would have taken very much longer to complete.
The Research Fellow's scholarly independence and integrity must, of course, be fully respected, but the Trust is able to determine which scholars and which subjects are worthy of its support.
For more information and research fellowship application, see; Airey Neave Trust Research Fellowships
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