It gives the students the opportunity to develop a broad and multidisciplinary knowledge ofgeoresources processing from cradle to grave and beyond.
Modern computer-based technologies used in resource characterization (digital imaging, tomography,…) and inresource modelling (geostatistics, 4D GIS,…) are the backbone of this degree, the objective of which is to train skilled engineers capable of using the most advanced exploration and modelling technologies available.
EMerald is a joint organisation of 4 top-level Universities in the field of georesources.
Who Can Apply for Masters in Georesources Engineering Scholarships?
The program is aimed at candidates having at least a Bachelor's degree in Engineering with basic knowledge in Geology ( minimum 3 years of study or 180 ECTS credits) or a Bachelor's degree in Sciences with at least 60 ECTS credits in the area of Physics, Chemistry, Geology, or Environmental, Minerals or Metallurgical Engineering or similar.
A Master degree or a professional experience is considered as a plus.
The program will deliver an engineering diploma, therefore at least 22.5 ECTS in Mathematics at university level are required.
However, if we think you have the sufficient skills to be part of the program although you don't add up 22.5 ECTS in mathematics, we will have you take a math class during the refresher semester in Liège.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to students who come from any country of the world.
The scholarship includes:
However Subsistence costs will not be given to scholarship holders for the periods of the program spent in their country of residence
The EU requires that we maintain a geographical balance of admitted students that receive an Erasmus + scholarship.
This means that no more than three students from a single country may receive an E+ scholarship for the EMerald program.
Masters in Georesources Engineering Scholarships Application Process
All applicants need to ask for a login at and fill out an online application form.
For more scholarship details and application details, see; Masters in Georesources Engineering Scholarships
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